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security policy

Password Protection

We give you a unique user name and two passwords one for just Browsing and one solely for transaction purposes. When you place an order we ask you for the transaction password which authenticates your identity from our highly secured database. The system also has a feature which automatically expires your transaction password in 30 days . This would mean we force you to change your password every month for ensuring high security for all your transactions. You can also change your password online at any time. In addition, you can use the Log Off button located throughout the site to securely exit your account without closing your browser.

Session Control

Also there is an internal session manager that ensures that even if you are not around your browser for more than 20 minutes it asks for a login once you are back to ensure that no one else can twiddle around in your transactions and throw up a surprise for you (Pun intended!!)

Internet Scanners and Intrusion Detection System

The system maintains a database of attack signatures which is continuously updated and against which it will scan all incoming traffic to detect any malicious activity or hacking attempts into the site. In the event of a possible attack, it will terminate that session, log the attack details and also alert the administrator.

registration nos:

Kalpataru Multiplier Ltd.: SEBI Regn. No. INZ000259437

Registered address: Kalpataru House, 18 Itwara, Bhopal (MP) – 462001

Member Member ID
Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.(BSE) 3016
National Stock Exchange Ltd. 11152
Multi Commodity Exchange(MCX) 16020

Depository Participant of CDSL DP-ID 12031600

(SEBI Regn No. IN-DP-CDSL-221-2003)

In absence of response/ complaint not addressed to your satisfaction, you may lodge a complaint and reach out to us on:


Copyright © 2016 Kalparatu Multiplier Ltd.
Designed ,Developed & Content Powered by  Accord Fintech Pvt. Ltd.
SENSEX77414.92-191.51 (-0.25%)
NIFTY23519.35-72.60 (-0.31%)
Dow Jones 41583.90-715.80 (-1.69%)
Nasdaq 17322.99-481.04 (-2.70%)
CLOSE Disclosure


  • Sharing of trading credentials - login id & password including OTP's.
  • Trading in leveraged products like options without proper understanding, which could lead to losses.
  • Writing / selling options or trading in option strategies based on tips, without basic knowledge & understanding of the product and its risks.
  • Dealing in unsolicited tips through Whatsapp, Telegram, YouTube, Facebook, SMS, Calls, etc.
  • Trading in "Options" based on recommendations from unauthorised / unregistered investment advisors and influencers.