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privacy policy


We, at, acknowledge and accept that the personal details that you impart to us, is to be kept in strict confidentiality and to use the information only in the manner which would be beneficial to our customers. We consider our relationship with you as invaluable and strive to respect and safeguard your right to privacy.

We shall protect the personal details received from you with the same degree of care, but no less than a reasonable degree of care, to prevent the unauthorized use, dissemination, or publication of these information as we protect our own confidential information of a like nature.

We shall use the personal information to improve our service to you and to keep you updated about our new product or information that may be of interest to you. The information collected from you would be used in the right spirit and context in which it is intended to be used. Your information would be used by us to process your trading request and to carry out the settlements of your obligations.

We would ensure that we collect personal information only to the extent it is necessary to administer our services in the best possible manner and what is required under the various regulations of Indian Laws. To ensure high quality services and high degree of value addition to you, we may combine the information given by you on the web or through other channels.

Under certain circumstances we may be required to share the information given by you with the third parties, where we feel they can contribute to add value and improve the quality of services imparted by us to you. We shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the confidentiality of your information is maintained by imposing strict confidentiality standards on all the third parties with whom we part these information. In all circumstances we shall ensure that your personal information is protected by strict confidentiality agreement. We shall not allow any third parties to retain your personal information longer than what is warranted by the nature of services rendered.

We would also impart your personal information wherever it is required to be disclosed under law to any of the governmental agency or regulatory bodies.

We ensure that the personal information given to us by you on the web is placed in the secured portion of our web-site. We use the most advanced encryption technology, Secure Socket Layer (SSL), to ensure that the information transmitted between you and us across the Internet is safe and cannot be accessed by any outsider. SSL has been universally accepted on the World Wide Web for authenticated and encrypted communication between clients and servers.

To ensure security of access to the personal information and transaction details, the access to the secured zone of our website is restricted by the unique login ID and Password selected by you. You should be very careful in handling the ID and password and you should ensure that you do not reveal it to anybody, nor do you keep it in writing. You should keep changing your password periodically.

To ensure safety of your trading access, our technology automatically logs you out of the site if no activity is registered for 30 minutes. However you should ensure that each time you leave your terminal you log yourself out. This prevents someone else from accessing your account if you leave your computer and your session has not "timed out"

To enable us serve you better, it is necessary that your personal information available with us is updated and accurate. Our web-site enables you to update your personal information. You can also send us an e-mail at Customer Service and we shall ensure that your information is updated and protected from any misuse or unauthorised revelation.

KALPATARU MULTIPLIER LTD.welcomes your comments regarding this privacy statement. If you believe that KALPATARU MULTIPLIER LTD. has not adhered to this privacy statement, please contact KALPATARU MULTIPLIER LTD. by email at, and we will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly determine and remedy the problem.

Information Sharing and Disclosure/Disclaimer.

  • KALPATARU MULTIPLIER LTD. will preserve your personal information without selling or renting it to anyone.
  • Only those people or companies will have access to the information that is authorized to do so.
  • KALPATARU MULTIPLIER LTD. shall not deliberately disclose customer’s personally identifiable information to any unauthorized third person, save and except where such information shall be disclosed in good faith and for the purpose of law for the time being in force or to protect the rights and property of KALPATARU MULTIPLIER LTD. and KALPATARU MULTIPLIER LTD.
  • The information and material contained in these pages and the terms, conditions, and descriptions that appear are subject to change without prior notice. The information contained in this website, including text, graphics, links or other items are provided on an ’as is’, ’as available’ basis.
  • KALPATARU MULTIPLIER LTD. does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the information and material contained in this policy and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in this information and material. No warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of not receiving any downloads/ documents and freedom from computer virus, is given in conjunction with the information and materials.
  • In no event will KALPATARU MULTIPLIER LTD. be liable for any damages, including without limitation direct or indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, losses or expenses arising in connection with this website or use thereof or inability to use by any party, or in connection with any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or line or system failure, even if KALPATARU MULTIPLIER LTD., or representatives thereof, are advised of the possibility of such damages, losses or expenses. Hyperlinks from and to other websites are at your own risk; the content, accuracy, opinions expressed, and other links provided by these resources are not investigated, verified, monitored, or endorsed by KALPATARU MULTIPLIER LTD.
  • KALPATARU MULTIPLIER LTD. also in no event shall be liable for any technical failure or for any inability to use by any party for browsing/downloading/extracting any information/data/documents from this website.

registration nos:

Kalpataru Multiplier Ltd.: SEBI Regn. No. INZ000259437

Registered address: Kalpataru House, 18 Itwara, Bhopal (MP) – 462001

Member Member ID
Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.(BSE) 3016
National Stock Exchange Ltd. 11152
Multi Commodity Exchange(MCX) 16020

Depository Participant of CDSL DP-ID 12031600

(SEBI Regn No. IN-DP-CDSL-221-2003)

In absence of response/ complaint not addressed to your satisfaction, you may lodge a complaint and reach out to us on:


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Designed ,Developed & Content Powered by  Accord Fintech Pvt. Ltd.
SENSEX77414.92-191.51 (-0.25%)
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Dow Jones 42299.70-155.09 (-0.37%)
Nasdaq 17804.03-94.99 (-0.53%)
CLOSE Disclosure


  • Sharing of trading credentials - login id & password including OTP's.
  • Trading in leveraged products like options without proper understanding, which could lead to losses.
  • Writing / selling options or trading in option strategies based on tips, without basic knowledge & understanding of the product and its risks.
  • Dealing in unsolicited tips through Whatsapp, Telegram, YouTube, Facebook, SMS, Calls, etc.
  • Trading in "Options" based on recommendations from unauthorised / unregistered investment advisors and influencers.