Download our app Kalpataru Share trading from Google/App Store and transfer fund instantly.


We at Kalpataru aim at exceeding expectation of our client, who happen to be our patrons, on all service parameters, with this objective in mind, We provide you a variety of conveniences and bring to you Top Quality Personalized Service and Satisfaction in Share Trading.

our field of operations
Main Activity

Main Activity of Kalpataru is Online Share Broking and Investment Advisory Service Through Satellite based VSAT instrument/equipment.

Derivative Futures & Options (F&O)

Online through VSAT instrument.

Commodity Derivatives

Commodity Derivatives, Futures & Options, Currency Derivative F&O through MCX and National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited .

Depository Participant(DP)

Service (DEMAT) through CDSL (Central Depository Services Ltd.)We are First DP of CDSL in Bhopal.

Internet Trading

Kalpataru provides you hassle free facility to trade through us on Internet. You need not come to our Office, Terminal or Work Station at all. You can transact online with KML on BSE, NSE, MCX, National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited and even settle your DP Account, DP Holding, and Portfolio with your DP etc. You can do it from your Office, Home, Train, Plane, Car, Yacht, Garden or Agriculture field.

SMS Services

Live trade confirmation & Evening Net position confirmation.

New Issue

Primary Market Services, IPO of all most all reliable and good Companies and PSU under Disinvestments Policy of the Govt.

Investment Advisory Services

We are prominent Financial and Investment advisor of this region. We provide Ready made and Tailor made Investment Advice that which suits to your Need.

PAN Card Service Center

UTI has selected Kalpataru after many acid tests, Goodwill, Turnover, Fair Practice and Capacity to handle the most critical identification card of national value.

Value Added Services

Life Insurance LIC Pension fund, Education fund, Dividend fund Children care fund and Housing loan schemes.

Recently Directors of Kalpataru have started giving guest lectures to business Management School students on the request of Business Management Institutions. We are in heavy demand. We provide those students Live Demonstration, on the job training that, which is compulsory to undergo as part of their curriculum of their training. We provide a certificate after successful completion of their training to that effect. Training certificate from KML is supposed to be the most valuable achievement of the trainee concerned.

registration nos:

Kalpataru Multiplier Ltd.: SEBI Regn. No. INZ000259437

Registered address: Kalpataru House, 18 Itwara, Bhopal (MP) – 462001

Member Member ID
Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.(BSE) 3016
National Stock Exchange Ltd. 11152
Multi Commodity Exchange(MCX) 16020

Depository Participant of CDSL DP-ID 12031600

(SEBI Regn No. IN-DP-CDSL-221-2003)

In absence of response/ complaint not addressed to your satisfaction, you may lodge a complaint and reach out to us on:


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SENSEX73828.91-200.85 (-0.27%)
NIFTY22397.20-73.30 (-0.33%)
Dow Jones 40813.57-537.36 (-1.30%)
Nasdaq 17303.01-345.44 (-1.96%)
CLOSE Disclosure


  • Sharing of trading credentials - login id & password including OTP's.
  • Trading in leveraged products like options without proper understanding, which could lead to losses.
  • Writing / selling options or trading in option strategies based on tips, without basic knowledge & understanding of the product and its risks.
  • Dealing in unsolicited tips through Whatsapp, Telegram, YouTube, Facebook, SMS, Calls, etc.
  • Trading in "Options" based on recommendations from unauthorised / unregistered investment advisors and influencers.